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Turmeric Toddy Recipe

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 


Turmeric Toddy Recipe

I went to Portland this year to teach at Yoga Pearl and, fortunately for me there is a delicious restaurant right inside the studio, called Prasad. Equally as lucky, the food there is amazing. I was nursing a little traveler’s cold when I got there and became addicted to the Turmeric Toddy. We’re so happy that Karen Pride and Brittney Galloway, the creators of Portland’s popular health food establishments Prasad and Harlow are sharing the recipe with us!

Turmeric Toddy Ingredients

Turmeric Toddy
This soothing toddy will warm your bones as we transition from long summer days to the fall and winter months. The ginger lends a spicy kick, turmeric brings in an earthy quality along with an array of health benefits, the honey soothes the throat, and lemon balances it all out. You can make the turmeric honey paste ahead of time and keep it on your counter so that you can whip up this delicious toddy in just a couple of minutes.

makes a 12 ounce serving
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
1 teaspoon finely grated ginger
2 tablespoons of honey turmeric paste (recipe below)

Turmeric Honey Paste
1 cup honey
2 1/2 tablespoons powdered turmeric
Stir honey and turmeric together until fully blended.
Store in a jar at room temperature to use as desired.

1. Juice your lemon and grate your ginger into a mug.
2. Add the turmeric honey paste.
3. Add hot water.
4. Stir, stir, stir and savor.

PS: If you like this recipe, you might like our Yogaland podcast with self care ideas for balancing the vata dosha.

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