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Yogaland Podcast

What listeners are saying...

This podcast is amazing - it provides a wealth of valuable information and resources, and Andrea speaks so beautifully and articulately from the heart - I’m so so grateful for this podcast, it helps me in yoga teaching, parenting and in navigating life overall 🙂 thank you!!
Perfect yoga teacher resource
I use many of the Yogaland Podcast episodes as homework assignments in my YTTs. Not only does that help my students to connect with Jason, but it also broadens their education beyond my perspective as their lead trainer and they get to hear wise words from so many of your brilliant guests.
Kindness & love radiate here
Andrea is compassionate, wicked smart, curious, and an all around fantastic podcast host. I’ve learned so incredibly much from her & couldn’t be more grateful for her guidance. This is a must listen 💓

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