Yoga Anatomy Podcast Collection

5 Essential Ideas for Healthy Shoulders in Yoga
In this last of our “essentials” series, Jason shares 5 essential ideas for finding ease and stability in your shoulders during yoga practice. In the

Summer Series! Ep 2: What’s Missing from Your Hip-Focused Practices
We love, love, love to stretch our hips in yoga. Pigeon Pose — oh yeah. Lizard — yep. Thread the Needle — mmmhmmm. But sometimes

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: How to Transition into Chaturanga Skillfully
Practicing and teaching Chaturanga in yoga can be difficult. Learning how to set up the pose with a skillful transition is the first step. This

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Best Preparation for Bakasana
Practicing and teaching Bakasana (Crow Pose / Crane Pose) is much more accessible with effective techniques. This episode provides you with the four best preparatory

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Teaching Chaturanga Safely
Teaching Chaturanga safely and effectively is simple when you understand how to keep the shoulders stable. This episode discusses how to teach Chaturanga safely, unpacks

Summer Series! Ep 3: Understanding Your Super-Awesome (& Complex) Shoulders
Did you know that your shoulder complex has four joints on each side? This dynamic engineering allows us to do all of the things we

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: How to Incorporate Yoga Philosophy into Your Classes
In this episode of Yogaland’s Yoga Teacher Companion, Jason discusses how to effectively incorporate yoga philosophy and wisdom in your classes. You’ll learn how to

Episode 178: How to manage hypermobility in the yoga room with Jules Mitchell
You may have noticed a pendulum swing when it comes to yoga poses that require extreme amounts of flexiblity. Just as we glorified the idea

Anatomy that inspires appreciation and awe — not stress and self-doubt
Many of us have an attraction/repulsion thing when it comes to learning yoga anatomy. Why is that? Anatomy reminds us that embodiment is amazing, but

Summer Series! Ep 5: Aspects of the Core We Tend to Ignore
The core is an often-obsessed about part of the body — even for yogis. In this episode, Jason breaks down the component parts that make

Episode 88: Looking at Yoga Poses Through the Lens of Yoga Neuromechanics With Robyn Capobianco
Yogis often talk about the nervous system in terms of how it responds to stress. But if you’ve ever wanted to learn more about the

Is stretching really good for you?
We’ve noticed the pendulum swinging toward strength in recent years (not a bad thing), and we wanted to offer context for the counterpoint: Stretching. (BTW,

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Best Modifications and Alternatives to Chaturanga
This episode supports yoga teachers by breaking down the 3 best modification and 3 best alternatives to Chaturanga.

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: 5 Ways to Help Your Students in Wheel Pose
Yogaland Teacher’s Companion is here! Jason created this series to complement all of the teaching and talking we do on the audio podcast but with

Episode 23: Q & A with Jason – Fun with Shoulder Anatomy!
Hi everyone! On this episode Jason answers three of our listener questions and it just so happens that they all focus on some aspect of

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: How should you tilt your pelvis in backbends?
On this episode of Yoga Teacher’s Companion, Jason answers the perennial questions that come up about backbends: First, should you tilt your pelvis toward your

The 5 Compartments of the Hip — and How to Strengthen Them
Welcome back to a new season of Yogaland! Jason is my inaugural guest this season and our conversation focuses on the hips: What are the

Episode 213: Yoga for Scoliosis with Abby Kraai
On today’s episode, Jason talks with Portland yoga teacher Abby Kraai about her experience of teaching and practicing yoga with scoliosis. This episode is packed

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: 5 Best Practices for Shoulder Mobility
Learn my 5 favorite postures and transitions for creating greater shoulder mobility. You’ll also learn where I like to include these postures in my personal

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: 5 Postures to Increase Hip Mobility
Learn my 5 favorite postures and transitions for creating greater hip-mobility. You’ll also learn where I like to include these postures in my personal practice

Episode 27: Q&A with Jason Crandell – Happy Hips, Hammies, and Lower Back
Hi everyone! Before jetting off on his most recent trip to Hong Kong, I sat with Jason to answer more listener-submitted questions. This time we

Episode 89: All About Your Fascia With Jill Miller (Part I)
Jill Miller, founder of Yoga Tune Up, is back on the blog this week to talk about what fascia is and how to incorporate the understanding of fascia into your yoga practice.

5 Essential Ideas for a Healthy Spine in Yoga
Jason joins me on this week’s episode of Yogaland to share 5 essential ideas for a healthy spine in yoga. He clarifies: How to distribute

Episode 244: How to Help Students with Back Pain
According to the CDC, lower back pain causes more global disability than any other condition. In one study, 25% of U.S. adults reported back pain

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Building Strength in your Flexibility
We don’t simply want greater flexibility. We want flexibility that we can control–and, we want to be strong in our flexibility. In this discussion, Jason

Summer Series! Ep 4: Twisting, Strengthening, & Folding Your Spine
On the last two episodes, Jason offered some tips for working with your hips and shoulders. On this installment, we’re moving to the central axis

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: The Key to Bakasana and Other Arm Balances
This episode breaks down the single most important key to practicing and teaching Bakasana and other Arm Balances.

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Teaching Yoga Students to Breathe Skillfully
Beginning yoga students often struggle to breath properly in class. As a yoga teacher, we want to provide our students with skillful, accessible techniques to

Episode 86: Q&A W/ Jason: Down Dog Strategies, Lower Rib Flare, & The Problem with the “Tuck Under” Cue
Jason Crandell joins me on the podcast this week to answer your questions. We cover a lot of ground in this short episode including: Strategies

Episode 160: The Science of Stretching (and Strength!) with Jules Mitchell
For our season two finale episode, we’re talking to Las Vegas-based yoga teacher and author Jules Mitchell. We dive deep into yoga biomechanics in this

Episode 90: All About Your Fascia with Jill Miller (Part II)
This week on the podcast, we continue our conversation with Jill Miller to learn even more about the mysterious (and amazing!) connective tissue that literally

Episode 150: New Research from Robyn Capobianco — The Measurable Impact of Using Therapy Balls Before Stretching
Robyn Capobianco, PhD, is back on the podcast this week to talk about the findings of two related studies she and her team conducted about

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: 5 Creative Yoga Poses to Prep for Backbends
Mobilizing your hip-flexors and quadriceps is the most essential preparation for backbending. Learn Jason’s 5-favorite yoga poses to prep for backbends — and where you

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Let’s End The “Flexibility vs. Mobility” Debate in Modern Yoga
Understanding the relationship between flexibility in mobility–and, gaining clarity on these terms–is essential as a modern yoga teacher. All too often, flexibility and mobility are

Episode 245: How to Prevent Yoga Injuries
Jason likes to say that it’s more dangerous to be sedentary and not use your body than it is to use your body and risk

5 Essential Ideas for Healthy Hips in Yoga
Jason joins Andrea on this episode to share his 5 essential ideas for healthy hips in yoga. Other links you might enjoy Pigeon + Chaturanga

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Effective Core Strengtheners (And Where to Put Them In Your Sequences)
Learn my favorite go-to yoga core strengtheners–and, where you can put them in your practice and classes to create sustainable, integrated core-strength.

5 Essential Ideas for a Healthy Core in Yoga
On this episode, Jason clarifies what we mean when we talk about the core in yoga. Once you’re finished listening, the core will no longer

How much strength does yoga really build?
Does yoga build strength? The short answer is yes. But does it build enough strength? Jason and Andrea dive into this topic and answer questions

Episode 240: Will breaking with convention break your back?
“There’s more than one right.” This is something that Jason says often during his trainings. It applies to many different types of yoga postures (and

Episode 98: The Only Absolute in Yoga is That There Are No Absolutes
On this week’s episode, neurophysiologist Dr. Robyn Capobianco returns and we cover a ton of interesting ground. I walked away from the conversation asking myself,

Episode 208: Q&A – Jason Answers Your Questions about Hip Joint Rotation, Jumping Through, + More
It’s been a while since we devoted an episode to answering listener questions, so that’s exactly what we’re doing this week. In this episode, Jason