Episode 150: New Research from Robyn Capobianco — The Measurable Impact of Using Therapy Balls Before Stretching

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Robyn Capobianco portrait

Robyn Capobianco, PhD, is back on the podcast this week to talk about the findings of two related studies she and her team conducted about the science of flexibility. The big takeaway from both studies is the same: Doing self-massage with Yoga Tune Up Balls before stretching increases flexibility and creates less of a temporary strength deficit. Translation: On those days when you just want to lie on the floor and roll, DO IT. Is it good for you? Yes! Is it good for your yoga practice? Yes! Is it a good thing to do as you age? Definitely! There is so much good news in this episode and Robyn breaks it all down for you.

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Manipulation of sensory input can improve stretching outcomes

Self massage prior to stretching improves flexibility in young and middle-aged adults

Yoga Tune Up Balls [Affiliate link]

Episode 88: Looking at Yoga Poses Through the Lens of Yoga Neuromechanics With Robyn Capobianco

Episode 98: The Only Absolute in Yoga is That There Are No Absolutes

Episode 89: All About Your Fascia With Jill Miller (Part I)

Episode 90: All About Your Fascia with Jill Miller (Part II)


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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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