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Yoga Poses for Lower Back Strength
A sequence of 12 yoga poses for lower back strength. Practice this sequence on its own for a 15-minute sequence or add your own poses to it.

Yoga Sequence for Core Strength
Try this simple, effective sequence to strengthen the entirety of your core: the anterior abdominals, iliopsoas, and the back of the core.

Mindful New Year’s Resolutions
Does making New Year’s resolutions leave you feeling stressed out? Try this mindful New Year’s resolutions process with Andrea Ferretti.

Yoga Pose Notebook: Astavakrasana
Astavakrasana is not a simple yoga pose. But I’m sharing 3 simple tips to help you practice and teach it more effectively. Read more now.

Can online yoga teacher training be better than training in person?
Online yoga teacher trainings are catching up with the rest of education in offering more options for online learning. Can they be better?

Four Unconventional Backbend Preparations to Add to Your Practice and Teaching
Yoga teacher Jason Crandell offers 4 unconventional backbend preparations to help you feel more comfortable in these challenging postures.

Common verbal cueing mistakes that yoga teachers make
As yoga teachers, you’re going to make countless verbal cueing mistakes. Here are the mistakes to be aware of.

Backbends: When and Why to Engage your Glutes
Should you squeeze the glutes in backbends? Jason Crandell shares why most students would benefit from engaging the glutes in backbends.

Common Errors in Manual Yoga Adjustments – and How to Fix Them
Manual yoga adjustments need help? In this post, learn 10 more ideas for honing your approach to manual yoga adjustments during yoga class.

Survivor’s Guide to Teaching Yoga When Life Throws You a Curveball
Here are some practical yoga teaching tips for those times when life gets busy, challenging, or throws you an unexpected curveball. Read on.

Yoga Sequence for Hips
This yoga for hips sequence focuses on stretching the muscles around the whole circumference of the hip joint. Practice it now.

Mastering the Art of the Well-Paced Class
Yoga class pacing is a key tool to convey your teaching essence. Learn how to do it skillfully in this guide.