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Yoga Teacher Tutorials Collection

Yogaland Teacher's Companion

Check out our collection of Yogaland Teacher’s Companion videos by Jason Crandell below. Hone your yoga practice and teaching with these short tutorials. Jason covers everything from yoga philosophy to technique to practice inspiration. Don’t miss an update!

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Module II of Jason's 300-Hour YTT

In module II you will:

  • Learn to effectively sequence for workshops, retreats, online classes & more
  • Develop monthly curricula that reduces burnout
  • Gain extensive functional anatomy expertise on the spine & core
  • To practice & teach advanced backbends such as Dropbacks, Scorpion, One-Legged Inverted Staff, and more
  • Details of yoga’s long history & timeline
  • How to view Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra through 3 contextual lenses