Is stretching really good for you?

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Andrea Ferretti stretching

We’ve noticed the pendulum swinging toward strength in recent years (not a bad thing), and we wanted to offer context for the counterpoint: Stretching. (BTW, This is a great companion to episode 288, ‘How much strength does yoga really build?’)

We take a big, contextual step back and look at:

  • What is stretching?
  • What are the types of stretching?
  • What are some of the contraindications
  • Are there still benefits and if so, what are the most effective protocols for increasing flexibility?

At the tail end of this episode, Andrea also interviews Genny Wilkinson, who is on the cusp of opening a brand new yoga and movement studio in the heart of London. Jason will be offering his hybrid 300-hour Advanced YTT there in 2023 so we were excited to learn all about Genny’s vision for what promises to be a gorgeous, authentic community space.

Links related to the episode

Train with Jason online or in-person in 2024!

Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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