Episode 98: The Only Absolute in Yoga is That There Are No Absolutes

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Robyn Capobianco in a yoga pose, displaying golden ratio

On this week’s episode, neurophysiologist Dr. Robyn Capobianco returns and we cover a ton of interesting ground. I walked away from the conversation asking myself, ‘Are there absolutely, definitively good movements and bad movements within the framework of yoga poses? And do we know what they are?’

Here are the other points we discuss:

  • The difference between the anatomy, biomechanics, and neuromechanics and how they apply to yoga
  • What Robyn’s research has shown her about squeezing the glutes in backbends + the surprising thing that happens when you stop squeezing
  • How to be a more discerning connoisseur of all the research, articles, and blog posts that are out there and why it matters
  • Why Robyn believes that constraints around the practice can sometimes do more harm than good
  • Is it safe to roll up from Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) to standing?
  • BONUS: Robyn’s favorite mascara brand, which she promises will change your life.

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Episode 88: Yoga Through the Lens of Yoga Neuromechanics with Robyn Capobianco

Backbends: When and Why to Engage the Glutes


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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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In module II you will:

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