Yoga Philosophy Collection

Jason’s Patanjali “Super Lecture”
Jason takes over this week to present a special comprehensive lecture on Patanjali, aka, his Patanjali “Super Lecture.” This episode essentially combines our three existing

My how yoga has changed…
We know that change is a part of life — it’s also a part of the constantly evolving practice of yoga. As religious studies scholar

8 Essential Concepts from Yoga Philosophy to Teach Beginners
Yoga philosophy is so vast, it can be overwhelming to think about how to convey it to beginners (or even in your mixed level classes!)

Slowing down doesn’t sound fun or ambitious or entertaining. Here’s why it’s such a worthwhile skill to cultivate.
Oh the irony. The sweet, sweet irony of going to yoga class to “find balance” or “inner peace” only to find ourselves rushing through Sun

Yogaland Rewind: The Sutras, Part III – Three Approaches to the Eight Limbs of Yoga
Today, we return to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra and Jason shares three models for applying the eight-limb path to life — The Step-by-Step Model, The Integrated

Yogaland Rewind: The Sutras, Part II: Defining citta, vrittis, and the gunas
On yesterday’s episode, Jason shared the foundational concepts of purusha and prakriti. Go back and listen if you haven’t yet! On this episode, we continue

Yogaland Rewind: The Sutras, Part I: Unpacking Purusha and Prakriti
Today is the first in a series of episodes where Jason shares the underpinnings of Patanjali. Most yoga students have heard their teachers reference Patanjali

Episode 234: The Sutras, Part III – Three Approaches to the Eight Limbs of Yoga
Today, we return to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra and Jason shares three models for applying the eight-limb path to life — The Step-by-Step Model, The Integrated

Episode 230: The Sutras, Part 2: Defining citta, vrittis, and the gunas
Last week Jason shared the foundational concepts of purusha and prakriti. Go back and listen if you haven’t yet! This week, we continue to talk

Episode 229: The Sutras, Part I: Unpacking Purusha and Prakriti
Today is the first in a series of episodes where Jason shares the underpinnings of Patanjali. Most yoga students have heard their teachers reference Patanjali

Episode 215: Andrea Jain on her new book, “Peace Love Yoga”
Religious Studies professor Andrea Jain is back on the podcast — this time to talk to Jason about her new book, “Peace Love Yoga: The

Episode 200: The Globalization of Yoga with Andrea Jain
On today’s episode, I speak to author and religious studies professor Andrea Jain about her book, Selling Yoga: From Counterculture to Pop Culture. Her book

Episode 173: The Amazing Benefits of Self Compassion
Happy New Year! It’s so good to be back for another season of Yogaland. My wish for you in this new year (and new decade!)

Episode 152: Cyndi Lee — Building Resilience Through Meditation and Sustainable Yoga
Today, we’re talking to Cyndi Lee, who was the first Western female yoga teacher to combine Tibetan Buddhism and yoga. Cyndi and I worked together

Episode 136: Yoga Philosophy for Beginners
In this second episode of our Begin Again series, we talk about what keeps us motivated to practice when yoga is feeling stagnant and Jason

Episode 132: The Art of the Yoga Sutras
This week’s guest, Melissa Townsend is the author of two beautiful books about the Yoga Sutras. Townsend, a long-time yoga student, artist, Sanskrit enthusiast, and

Episode 122: Applying Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra to Your Daily Life
There are so many interpretations of the seminal yoga text, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. This week, I talk to two women who’ve written one that is

Episode 117: Jason’s Favorite (Non-Asana) Yoga Books
When I have Jason on the show, we talk a lot about postures and technique, so I thought it would be interesting to talk yoga

Summer Series 2018: Is it possible to balance effort and ease?
We’ve gotten several questions from listeners about how to find the right balance between working hard and surrendering during yoga postures. How to find that

Episode 103: Jason and Andrea Talk Meditation
Why don’t you have a seat and stay awhile? If you think meditation is boring, hard, pointless, or too time consuming, this meditation podcast episode

Episode 73: How Talking About Adversity Inspires Positive Change
According to psychologist and author, Kelly McGonigal, listening to someone else’s story of resilience and overcoming adversity is has a powerful effect on the listener.

Episode 72: Change Your Day With a Lovingkindness Meditation
Last week, I talked about the science of self-compassion and how self-compassion practice has more favorable outcomes than boosting self-esteem. On this episode, I offer

Episode 71: Increase Your Happiness, Curiosity, & Connection With Self-Compassion
High self-esteem used to be regarded as a vital component to happiness. But it’s fallen out of favor in the past decade. Research — much