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My Favorite Yoga & Meditation Gift Books

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

favorite yoga books of 2019

When I think back over the past few years of creating content for Yogaland podcast, I feel so fortunate that I’ve been introduced to some truly amazing authors. Below you’ll find five of my favorite yoga and meditation-related books that would make great gifts for your favorite nerdy yoga friend.

1. Artist and long-time yogi Melissa Townsend has illustrated the first two books of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with her own interpretations of the verses. They are visually stunning and a completely different inroad to the sutras than I’ve ever experienced. An excellent gift for anyone who loves the sutras and yoga philosophy.

2. Revolution of the Soul by Seane Corn — Seane generously shares her journey in her signature raw, real, insightful way. I literally lol’d while reading it. A great book for someone new to yoga—and perhaps still cynical about the journey. It includes educational sections relating yoga philosophy and psychology to life.

3. All Our Waves Are Water by Jaimal Yogis – Jaimal is an old friend who has written a book that I remain in awe of. He writes about his study of Buddhism and surfing with such skillfulness and ease. It’s not too heavy and not too light—a great gift for your Buddhist—or even semi-Buddhist ☺—friends.

4. Mama Sutra by Anne Cushman. I said it on the podcast with Anne and I’ll say it again—my favorite read of 2019. It’s a book that hums along joyfully and painfully—kind of like life. (Trigger warning: Anne’s book includes her personal story of experiencing a full-term stillbirth, so probably not a good choice for a pregnant friend.)

5. The Ayurvedic Self-Care Handbook by Sarah Kucera. On the podcast episode I did with Sarah, we talked about her system for creating a pranic budget, which I think is brilliant. But there’s so much more that Sarah artfully packs into this modern, approachable, and useful handbook. From learning the Ayurvedic clock to engaging in meaningful rituals, I deeply appreciate Sarah’s well-rounded approach to wellness.

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In module II you will:

  • Learn to effectively sequence for workshops, retreats, online classes & more
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  • Gain extensive functional anatomy expertise on the spine & core
  • To practice & teach advanced backbends such as Dropbacks, Scorpion, One-Legged Inverted Staff, and more
  • Details of yoga’s long history & timeline
  • How to view Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra through 3 contextual lenses