Yoga Poses

Yoga Pose Notebook: Astavakrasana
Astavakrasana is not a simple yoga pose. But I’m sharing 3 simple tips to help you practice and teach it more effectively. Read more now.

The Mother of All Backbends: Urdhva Dhanurasana
In this ultimate Urdhva Dhanurasana guide, get step-by-step instructions, anatomy info, alignment tips, and pose alternatives.

Abs Reboot: Four Creative Core Yoga Poses
Here are four creative yoga poses for core strength — as a bonus, you’ll prepare yourself for challenging arm balances and inversions!

Yoga Pose Notebook: Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
This breakdown of Ustrasana, or Camel Pose, will teach you how to practice the posture without discomfort in the lower back or neck.

Yoga Pose Notebook: Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana
Discover Jason’s expert tips for Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana. Embrace the power of this pose in your practice today. Read on, yogis!

Yoga Pose Notebook: Lizard Pose
Lizard Pose tips! Discover the benefits of shorter holds and repetitions. Check out the infographic for guidance.

Yoga Pose Notebook: Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana (Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose)
Practice tips for Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana (Revolved Head-to-the-Knee Pose). The way you learned the pose might not be optimal.

My 5 Favorite Yoga Postures (And Why I Love Them)
We love our favorite yoga poses for good reasons. So, here are 5 of Jason Crandell’s favorite yoga poses and why he loves them. Read more now.

Support Yourself in Eka Pada Rajakapotasana I
A Comprehensive Guide to Pigeon Pose or Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. Learn everything you need to enjoy this advanced backbend.

Yoga Pose Notebook: Visvamitrasana
Visvamitrasana is a bold arm-balance requiring hamstring flexibility, core strength, and stabilization. Here’s how to do it.

4 Propped Poses to Build Your Hanumanasana
Preparation is key for Monkey Pose (Hanumanasana). These four variations with props help you open up and learn the pose.

Yoga Pose Notebook: Avoid the Banana in Forearm Balance
Discover how to master Pincha Mayurasana, a yoga forearm balance, with our detailed tutorial and alignment tips.

Yoga Pose Notebook: Boat Pose (Paripurna Navasana)
Paripurna Navasana enhances core strength, preps for inversions, and rapidly generates heat in your yoga practice.

Yoga Pose Notebook: Eka Pada Bakasana I
Unlock the challenges of Eka Pada Bakasana I with these tips. Strengthen your body and elevate your practice with this advanced pose.

Yoga Pose Notebook: Parsva Bakasana
Side Crow Pose, or Parsva Bakasana, is a part of the iconic Bakasana family of arm balances. Get tips to learn to master it now.

Yoga Pose Notebook: Lean In to Bakasana
Jason Crandell Shares Everything You Need to Know To Do Bakasana, Or Crow Pose. Read On To Learn To Bakasana Like a Boss!

The Ultimate Guide to Compass Pose
Compass Pose challenges your hamstrings, adductors, outer hips, and your side body. Learn everything you need to know to practice it now.

Pose Notebook: How to Practice and Teach Handstand
Discover Jason Crandell’s comprehensive method for teaching handstand and valuable practice tips. Read on now for expert guidance!

Yoga Pose Notebook: Practice & Teach Tittibhasana (Firefly)
Tittibhasana Pose – Learn alignment tips as well as the anatomy involved in practicing and teaching the yoga pose, Tittibhasana.