Episode 2: Stacy Meyrowitz – How Yoga Saved My Life

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Stacy Meyrowitz in Lotus Pose

My guest on this episode is the incredible (and hilarious) Stacy Meyrowitz. Fourteen years ago, Stacy survived a massive brain hemorrhage. The trauma of long hospital stays, countless scans, and three brain surgeries left Stacy feeling completely out of whack and depressed. A full two years after the hemorrhage, Stacy quit her job and lost touch with her old social life.

Somehow Stacy got the idea to find a yoga class and she credits yoga with helping her piece her life back together. She’d never done yoga before the hemorrhage, but she found it utterly comforting. It challenged her brain to relearn lost skills and it helped bring her into a community of friends. You will absolutely enjoy listening to this incredibly powerful story of yoga’s transformative power.

“I remember being in my first Warrior II and thinking, ‘I could be here for the rest of my life. In this pose. And be very happy.'”
Stacy Meyrowitz

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What Happens to Your Brain During Meditation
Big Brain Benefits of Meditation
The Healing Power of Yoga for Brain Injuries

Thank you so much, Stacy, for sharing your story with us. A special thanks to Ali Zeigler for designing my logo and to DJ Bhakti Styler who helped me with the music for this episode. You can listen to him on soundcloud or, if you happen to be in Aspen, CO, you can check him out at Aspen Shakti Shala.

If you like what you hear, please feel free to write a review on iTunes! If you share your URL, I’ll be able to get back to you and say thanks.

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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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