Summer Series 2018: Staying Sane (and Enjoying!) Social Media

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Andrea Ferretti and Jason Crandell recording a Yogaland podcast episode, Andrea sitting on the floor, Jason leaning towards the microphone

teaching yoga quote | social media yoga | yoga podcast

If you’re like a lot of yoga students, you probably feel a bit conflicted when it comes to social media: You want to spend more time in the present moment, but you also love how social media makes you feel connected with the people you love and what’s going on in the world.  It can be so hard balance social media and yoga, allowing you to  enjoy the best social media has to offer without feeling like a slave to technology.

In this yoga podcast episode, Jason and I share some practical tips on using social media for yoga teachers (who need to use it as a marketing tool and as a way to connect to their students) and yoga students alike.

We talk about:

  • How to stop comparing yourself to the edited highlight reel you see of others’ lives on social media
  • Creating healthy boundaries around how and when you use social media
  • What yoga teachers can do to stay authentic on social media and use it to nurture the relationships they have with their students

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Summer Series 2018: Andrea and Jason Share Their “Hard” and “Easy” Poses

The Yoga Hustle: An Insider’s Guide to Survival


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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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