Episode 117: Jason’s Favorite (Non-Asana) Yoga Books

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Jason Crandell staring into the distance

When I have Jason on the show, we talk a lot about postures and technique, so I thought it would be interesting to talk yoga philosophy on the podcast this week. I asked Jason to share his favorite yoga books (that are not focused on the physical practice). These are just a few of his favorites, spanning yoga philosophy, Buddhist philosophy, and neuroscience.

Books mentioned in this episode:

The Upanishads  with commentary by Eknath Easwaran

The Bhagavad Gita translated by Eknath Easwaran

How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood

Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism by Chogyam Trungpa

Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom by Rick Hanson

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Episode 26: Three Yoga Sutras for Tough Times with Kate Holcombe
Episode 39: Richard Rosen on Patanjali in Modern Yoga Practice

UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who shared their favorite non-asana yoga books through Instagram #yogalandstories. I compiled a list of YOUR favorites, which are listed below.

The Yamas and Niyamas: Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practice by Deborah Adele

Healing Mantras: Using Sound Affirmation for Personal Power, Creativity, and Healing by Thom Ashley-Farrand

Journey to the Heart: Daily Meditations on the Path to Freeing Your Soul by Melodie Beattie

Mindfulness and Surfing: Reflections for the Saltwater Soul by Sam Bleakley

The Essence of Yoga: Reflections on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali translation by Bernard Bouanchaud

The Wisdom of Yoga: A Seeker’s Guide to Extraordinary Living by Stephen Cope

Yoga and the Quest for the True Self by Stephen Cope

Journey of Awakening: A Meditator’s Guide Book by Ram Dass

The Secret Power of Yoga: A Woman’s Guide to the Heart and Spirit of the Yoga Sutras by Nischala Joy Devi

The Breathing Book: Good Breath and Vitality Through Essential Breathwork by Donna Farhi

Yoga and Ayurveda by David Frawley 

Dharma Delight: A Visionary Post Pop Comic Guide to Buddhist and Zen by Rodney Alan Greenblat

Skill in Action: Radicalizing Your Yoga Practice in an Unjust World by Michelle Cassandra Johnson

Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self by Anodea Judith

A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life by Jack Kornfield

True Yoga: Practicing with the Yoga Sutras for Happiness & Spiritual Fulfillment by Jennie Lee

The Roots of Yoga by James Mallinson and Mark Singleton

Tending the Heart Fire: Living in the Flow and Pulse of Life by Shiva Rea

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

The Living Gita: The Complete Bhagavhad Gita, a Commentary for Modern Readers by Sri Swami Satchidananda

Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer

Four Desires: Creating a Life of Purpose, Happiness, Prosperity, and Freedom by Rod Stryker

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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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