Episode 15: Rebecca Katz – Nourish Yourself With Cancer-Fighting Foods

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

A bowl full of different vegetables soaked in water

Hi everyone!

On this episode I interview one of my nutritional heroes, Rebecca Katz (@RebeccaKatzYum).

I grew up in a foodie family (I mean, I am Italian-American after all…) and I’ve been cooking and learning about food for as long as I can remember. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer (you can read all about it here), a dear friend (thank you, Joanie), sent me Rebecca’s book and I’ve been a superfan ever since. Here’s why:

  • Her recipes are really. good. — I do not exaggerate when I say that every time I make one Jason raves. These days he’ll just say, “Is this a recipe from that Rebecca lady?”
  • They’re easy to execute — I’m a home cook, not a trained chef.
  • She explains the science behind healthy eating in a way that’s empowering and relatable.

And that’s why I wanted to do this episode. Weeding through information about food can be overwhelming and even disheartening. This episode distills Rebecca’s four-pillar approach to a cancer-fighting diet. And, if you take this approach, you have a shot at preventing other diseases, too (think diabetes and heart disease). On the episode we talk about:

  • Rebecca’s background as a chef and nutritionist and how she came to write The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen
  • Her new online course, which brings the book to life
  • Anti-inflammatory foods, especially the ones we overlook like ghee! olive oil! ah-voh-cah-dohs!!
  • Foods that regulate blood sugar and why they work the way they do
  • Her recommended subs for refined sugar and why it’s important to have sweet treats sometimes
  • Coffee. It ain’t so bad. (Yahoo!)
  • How to reduce oxidative stress
  • The little tiny foods we often overlook that can powerfully regulate NfKappaB

At the beginning of the interview, we talk about Rebecca’s background and what it took to create a book that references so many nutritional studies. If you want to jump right to the questions about the four-pillars, it starts at minute 15:30.

Did you know? There are more antioxidants in a 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon than there are in a 1/2 cup of blueberries.

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Recipes on Rebecca’s Web Site
The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen Online Course
Rebecca’s Shrimp Stuffed Avocados Recipe
Don’t Fear the Fat — Why It’s Time to Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet

Rebecca’s Cookbooks:
The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen: Nourishing, Big-Flavor Recipes for Cancer Treatment and Recovery
One Bite at a Time, Revised: Nourishing Recipes for Cancer Survivors and Their Friends
Clean Soups: Simple, Nourishing Recipes for Health and Vitality
The Healthy Mind Cookbook
The Longevity Kitchen

Salami Junior — Get Me Out of America
Jahzzar — Cold Like This
The Polish Ambassador — Wonder Continental ft Beatbeat Whisper

If you like the podcast, please leave a review or rating on iTunes! I’m learning that it really does help others find it and it helps me to know which episodes resonate with you! You can also follow me on Twitter @yogalandpodcast.

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