Episode 151: Our Best Online Marketing Tips for Yoga Teachers

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Jason Crandell quote saying "Having good content is good marketing."

Like it or not, if you want to be a full-time yoga teacher today, digital marketing is a part of the job.

It doesn’t come easily to everyone, but through the years Jason and I have figured out what works for us. In this episode, which was recorded at one of Jason’s yoga teacher trainings at LoveStoryYoga in San Francisco, we share our best advice for yoga teachers who are trying to build a following online.

  • Our best tips for creating consistent, authentic content for social media when marketing doesn’t come easily. (Particularly, we talk about how to be a storyteller, solve a problem, and start with your wheelhouse, and turn that into content.)
  • How to use social media to attract private clients, as opposed to a mass audience.
  • When it might be smarter to focus on in-person marketing and networking instead of online
  • An easier way to gather student testimonials for social proof
  • Suggestions for people who aren’t comfortable posting photos of themselves in yoga postures (and selfies in general!). Plus, Andrea’s tips for taking better photos.
  • Advice for teachers who want to expand their teaching online by making yoga videos available online

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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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