Episode 202: “I’m a Black Yoga Teacher in Appalachia” with Kristin Booker

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Kristin Booker in a yoga pose, smiling at the camera

Today’s guest is writer, illustrator, and yoga teacher Kristen Booker. For the past decade, Kristen has built a successful career as a freelance writer in New York — her work has appeared in Elle, Marie Claire, Refinery 29, Well+Good, and more. A year ago — just after finishing her yoga teacher training — Kristen returned to her hometown of Charleston, West Virginia to care for her aging mother.

On this episode, Kristen shares her experience of going home and teaching yoga in a part of the world that has more traditional values than she’s used to. While she’s quick to point out that racism (both overt and implicit) is not a location-specific problem, her experiences have given her insight, which she eloquently shares in today’s episode.

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I’m a Black Yoga Instructor in Appalachia – And Here’s What I Learned by Kristin Booker in Well & Good

Kristin Booker on Instagram

Episode 199: Anit-racism and Allyship in Yogaland with Jennifer Hutton

Episode 198: Faith Hunter, “You can’t be spiritual and not stand for something.”

Episode 158: Closing the Wellness Gap with Nicole Cardoza


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