Episode 21: Holly Whitaker – Recovering from Addiction & Discovering Yourself

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Holly Whitaker

My guest on this episode is effervescent Holly Whitaker (@hipsobriety). Holly is amazingly sharp, articulate, rad human and I’m so happy to have her on the podcast! We talked about how Holly used yoga, meditation, self care, and self-reflection as her framework for quitting alcohol, pot, and cigarettes. For the many people who feel alone on their recovery path (and for those who love them), I hope this podcast helps you feel supported and connected.

Holly is a Kundalini and vinyasa teacher, a life coach, and meditation instructor. She’s the founder of Hip Sobriety, which aims to provide a modern, holistic, accessible and desirable path to sobriety, and to remove the stigma associated with addiction (and sobriety). She’s also the creator of Hip Sobriety School, an online program that helps individuals build holistic paths to recovery as either a complement or alternative to traditional modalities.

Here’s a little preview of what we talked about:

  • Why it’s important to de-stigmatize addiction by being vulnerable and talking about it
  • Why there is not just one right way to get sober and why AA didn’t work for her
  • Why Kundalini yoga was (and still is) so powerful for Holly’s recovery
  • How abusing alcohol is a symptom — we use it to escape from what’s inside
  • What drove Holly to try to escape through alcohol and how yoga helped her find a life that’s true to her heart

“Alcohol is a drug. It will kill 1 in 10 of us between 18-64. It’s the third leading cause of preventable disease. It’s such a dangerous drug, but we normalize it in our society. and we protect it.” — Holly Whitaker

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Holly’s Web Site — Hip Sobriety
Home Podcast
Hip Sobriety School: 8 Week Sobriety School & Group Coaching

Some great blog posts from Holly:
9 Ways Yoga Helped Me Recover From Addiction
You CAN Yoga Your Way Out Of How Fucked You Are
Why You Should Give A Shit About Kundalini Yoga
Twelve Fabulous(!) Things About Sobriety
9 Reasons I’m Not an Alcoholic

Gillicuddy — Springish
Derailed — Blue Dot Sessions
Jahzzar — Cold Like This

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