Episode 22: Rachel Brathen – Staying True to Your Values in the Face of Success

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Rachel Brathen smiling at the camera

You might know Rachel Brathen as “Yoga Girl” on Instagram — she’s one of the original yoga insta-stars and has 2 million followers. Two million! That’s crazay! And yet, despite this quick rise to fame, Rachel is incredibly down-to-earth and not afraid to say that the superficial side of social media can suck the life out of a person from time to time. I wanted to know what makes Rachel tick, so I tried to dig into how she’s become the teacher (and student) she is today.

Rachel and I talk about:

  • How a 10-day Osho meditation retreat changed the course of her entire life
  • Her initial yoga practice, which was therapeutic and aimed toward healing debilitating back pain
  • How pregnancy is changing her practice
  • Why she has never started hocking products like yoga pants for other brands
  • Whether or not she considers herself to be fearless
  • The ingenious model behind her 109 Global Mission trips
  • Her surprising advice for navigating social media as a yoga teacher

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Rachel’s book — Yoga Girl
Rachel Brathen Yoga Lifestyle
Island Yoga
St. Pepper’s Friends

Gillicuddy — Adventure, Darling
The Polish Ambassador — Camino Rojo
Velella Velella — 3 to the 6 to the 0

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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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