Episode 237: 4 Sequencing Challenges (And How to Fix Them)

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Jason Crandell and Andrea Ferretti talking during a Yogaland podcast

When it comes to sequencing, there are a few things that trip yoga teachers up time and time again. Jason’s back on the podcast today to talk about several of the mistakes he’s made himself through the years and how he’s shifted his approach to sequencing to overcome these challenges.

The 4 common obstacles to clear yoga sequencing we address are:

  • physical imbalances
  • lack of consistency
  • student turnover or tension
  • limited sequencing education

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Mastering the Art of Yoga Sequencing is open for enrollment!
Episode 125: Yoga and Astrology – When the Stars (and Your Chakras) Align
Episode 236: Why sequencing is your most important skill as a modern yoga teacher

Previous podcasts about the art of teaching yoga with Jason:

Episode 119: Jason’s Thoughts on Creative Sequencing
Episode 185: How to Sequence Online Yoga Classes
On Leadership in Yoga
How to Stay in Your Lane as a Yoga Teacher
Having a Strong Point of View Without Minimizing Others

Train with Jason online or in-person in 2024!

Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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Now enrolling!

Module II of Jason's 300-Hour YTT

In module II you will:

  • Learn to effectively sequence for workshops, retreats, online classes & more
  • Develop monthly curricula that reduces burnout
  • Gain extensive functional anatomy expertise on the spine & core
  • To practice & teach advanced backbends such as Dropbacks, Scorpion, One-Legged Inverted Staff, and more
  • Details of yoga’s long history & timeline
  • How to view Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra through 3 contextual lenses