Episode 30: Andrea Ferretti – 3 Resolutions to Set Yourself on a Path Toward Happiness

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

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I live in a state of duality when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. On the one hand, I loathe them. I loathe the intense focus on self-improvement and self-achievement that’s emblazoned across magazine covers in the month of January. And YET, I love the idea of taking a moment to pause and reflect on the previous year and to think about how I’d like to live in the coming year,

And so. This episode focuses on three resolutions that really get to the heart of what has created happiness in my life:

  • Use Your Yoga Practice to Get To Know Yourself
  • Practice Self Acceptance
  • Be the Love

What do you think? I’d love to know what you’re working on. And, my friends and listeners who are from outside the U.S., I’d love to know if you feel the same cultural pressure on self-improvement around New Year’s!

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Buddhism Without Beliefs, by Stephen Batchelor
Taylor Harkness podcast: The Yogis Guide to Getting Through the Holidays Without Losing Your Sh*t
Episode 5: Self Acceptance and Yoga

David Szesztay — Welcome Home
David Szesztay — Sweet Water

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