5 ways to bring the yoga tradition into modern classes

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Jason Crandell teaching a yoga class
On our live episode two weeks ago, we answered the question, ‘Is this thing that we’re doing still yoga?’ Jason shared five principles that make even the most modern practices a yoga practice. On this episode, we will walk through how yoga teachers can bring these principles to life in their teaching.
  • Here are some of the ideas we talk through:
  • Reflecting on whether classes still have liberatory qualities, inviting students to grow beyond self-limiting beliefs and identifications.
  • Introducing intentional theming or recommended readings to enhance students’ understanding of yoga philosophy and its application.
  • Incorporating abhyasa (effort) and vairagya (letting go) — balancing striving with non-attachment to outcomes in the practice.
  • Encouraging students to focus on specific skills to enhance the transformational aspect of yoga.
  • Inviting students to cultivate self-awareness by observing their self-talk, patterns of reactivity, and responses to discomfort during practice.

Related Links

Is this thing we’re doing still yoga? (Listen to this one first if you haven’t already!)

The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice by TKV Desikachar

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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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