The Best Backbends for Beginners

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Jason Crandell in locust pose
Modern life is not great for your back — sitting in chairs tightens the hip flexors, which can lead to a chain reaction that stresses the low back. When we type at a computer, we typically roll the shoulders forward or hunch the upper back. And looking at our phones constantly can lead to the dreaded and painful “tech neck.” — chair sitting, typing, and looking at our phones. Simple backbends are a fantastic antidote. But which backbends are most beneficial for beginners and why? Jason shares his thoughts on this episode. We talk about:
  • Prone backbends like Locust Pose, Medium-Sized Cobra, and Sphinx
  • Kneeling backbends like Cobra and New School Anjaneyasana
  • Reclined backbends like Bridge Pose and Lying over a block
Learn the best approaches and modifications for these poses and practice them using the sequences below.

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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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