Episode 33: Bex Urban — Best Yoga Retreat Ever

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Bex Urban in a yoga pose at the beach

This week’s episode will be inspiring for yoga teachers and logistically helpful for the teachers out there. It’s all about creating successful yoga retreats. And while it may seem like anachronous timing to think about yoga retreats while the world is in such a state of turmoil, going on retreat is an an effective way to deepen your yoga practice and to nourish the essential parts of yourself. When you come back from a retreat, you feel revitalized so that you can do the work you need to do in the world.

My guest on this week’s episode, Bex Urban, has been leading successful yoga retreats for more than a decade. Bex was introduced to meditation by her Dad when she was four years old (he is still an avid meditator) and met the Dalai Lama when she was 12. These early experiences with spiritual life continue to inform her approach today — she is equal parts mystical and practical with an innate ability to meet here students where they are and offer them the exact tools they need.

Online classes with Bex!: On YogaAnytime.com

Jahzzar — Siesta
Ketsa — Always Late
Podington Bear — Funk

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Train with Jason online or in-person in 2025!

Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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