What It Takes to Make It as a Yoga Teacher with Jason Crandell

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Jason Crandell and Andrea Ferretti portrait
Jason joins me on this episode to talk what it takes to make it as a yoga teacher.  Over the past 30 years of Jason’s teaching career,  there have been many twists and turns and even some failures. We give you a peek behind the curtain of his career, honing in on 6 pivotal moments and what Jason learned from them. Related to this episode! Next week Jason is hosting a webinar where he shares his roadmap how to make it as a yoga teacher. You can sign up for this free webinar at www.jasonyoga.com/webinar

Related Links

Save your seat for week’s webinar: What It Takes to Make It as a Yoga Teacher

Looking to deepen your yoga education? Learn about Jason’s 300-Hour YTT or join the waitlist for his 200-Hour YTT (coming up in October 2024)

Train with Jason online or in-person in 2024!

Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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Free webinar!

What it Takes to Make it as a Yoga Teacher

In this free session, I’ll share a roadmap to guide you along your path as a yoga teacher. 

You’ll learn:

  • The choice I made early in my teaching that has been the foundation for my long-term success
  • My number one strategy for reducing yoga teacher burnout
  • The easiest and most effective way to retain your students and keep them coming back
  • The importance of self-inquiry anytime an obstacle arises
  • What digital presence you absolutely must have