Episode 4: Sally Kempton – Ideas, Insights, & Self-Inquiry Practices for Fear

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Sally Kempton portrait

I have a distinct memory of the very first time I meditated. It wasn’t my first attempt, rather it was the first time I felt surrender and contentment that I hadn’t yet experienced. It was in a decidedly unglamorous setting — I was sitting in a folding chair in an overly air-conditioned hotel ballroom. What enabled my experience of meditation was the teacher — Sally Kempton. Sally is a uniquely powerful meditation teacher who has a deep understanding of the human experience and offers loving, practical, doable practices for the emotional states we all face.

This week Sally (@sally_kempton) shares her insights and self-inquiry practices for coping with an emotion we all face from time to time — fear. During our conversation, she shared so many great ideas, among them:

  • The simple power of exploring challenging emotions during meditation to help you cope and feel happier in daily life
  • How to find fear in your body and create space around it
  • A practice for holding and comforting yourself
  • The importance of finding a meditation teacher or, at least, friends who you can talk to about the obstacles and fears that come up during meditation
  • The power of mantra when you’re facing fear

“Asking yourself the question, ‘How can I serve something higher than my own ego?’ is a really powerful way to overcome fear as you walk through life.”  SALLY KEMPTON

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Meditation for the Love of It
Awakening Shakti: The Transformative Power of the Goddesses in Yoga
Doorways to the Infinite: The Art and Practice of Tantric Meditation
Sally’s Chakra Meditation on Yogaglo (I mentioned in the episode): Align Your Chakras (30 Minutes, Level 1)

The Fine Arts of Relaxation, Concentration, and Meditation by Joel Levey
Meditation: The First and Last Freedom by Osho
Zen Mind, Beginners Mind by Shunruyu Suzuki
Meditate by Swami Muktananda
Meditation for Beginners by Jack Kornfield

Jahzzar – Redhead
ABSRDST — Chakra Reset Button
Josh Spacek — Dharma

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