Episode 41: Deborah Burkman — You Are Enough

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Deborah Burkman portrait

In this age of insta-celebrity and everyone chasing their 15 minutes of fame, it’s refreshing to talk to a long-term, successful yoga teacher. Deborah Burkman is one such person. She’s been teaching for 17 years, in many settings, and loves her job. She’s not famous and, at this point in her life and career, she’s grateful for that.

We talk through some nitty gritty logistics, e.g., how long it took Deb to feel confident and financially stable in her teaching and how she crafts a balanced schedule for herself. But this podcast has some great reminders for trying to find contentment in any career path. One of her main messages: Find your purpose and come back to that. And know that who you are is enough.

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Deborah Burkman Yoga
Video Classes with Deb on Yoga Journal

Jahzzar — Charity
Jahzzar — Yesterday

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