Episode 42: Maty Ezraty on Leading with Communication and Love

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Maty Ezraty

Maty Ezraty is a genuine pioneer of yoga in the U.S. One of the original co-founders of YogaWorks, Maty is a true teacher’s teacher. On this episode, Maty shares stories from her early days as well as how her practice has changed with age. She also shares her approach to mentoring teachers and students, which is an alchemy of communication, love, and meeting people where they are.

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Learn more about Maty and find her schedule on her web site: MatyEzraty.com

Velella_Velella — 3 To The 6 To The 0
Podington Bear — A1 Rogue
Shana Falana — Cloud Beats

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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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