Episode 52: Gina Caputo on Strengthening Your Awareness & Emotional Support Bananas

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Gina Caputo portrait

Gina Caputo has so much to offer to Yogaland: In addition to practicing and teaching yoga for nearly two decades, she’s been on the ground floor of opening and managing three different yoga schools — Sacred Movement in Venice, California, Kansas Siddhi Yoga Studio, and and The Colorado School of Yoga in Boulder, Colorado. Gina also has a FANTASTIC sense of humor. One of my favorite things she says in this interview is, “Be sincere, not serious.”

On this episode, I asked Gina to share her thoughts and stories about self-awareness practice, specifically her recent experience of doing a 10-day silent meditation course. Spoiler alert: She made it through 10 days of silence! But not without some support from a banana or two.

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Gina’s full post about the meditation course: Tales from the Cushion
Gina’s website: ginacaputo.com
Gina’s school: The Colorado School of Yoga

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