Summer Series! Ep 1: Creative Ways to Inspire Your Practice This Summer

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Jason Crandell and Andrea Ferretti recording a Yogaland podcast episode sitting on the floor, photographed from above

It’s summer! My favorite season. But, I will admit, that I tend to be more loosey goosey in the summer about EVERYTHING, which means that sometimes my yoga practice falls by the wayside. With that in mind, I decided to create a special summer series with Jason! It’s been fun putting together six extra-special episodes for you all and I truly hope it inspires you.

For the first episode, we offer 10 Creative Ways to Inspire Your Practice This Summer. (If you want a written version of the episode, you can click here to go to the blog post.) Otherwise, listen below!

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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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