Summer Series! Ep 6: A Strategic Approach to Arm Balances and Inversions

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Jason Crandell and Andrea Ferretti sitting on the floor, recording a Yogaland podcast episode

A bonus episode for you this week! Jason and I talk about his new online course on, The Ultimate Guide to Teaching Arm Balances & Inversions.

There’s a lot packed into this episode: Jason shares his system for teaching these poses, how he sees both arm balances and inversions as “clusters of poses” — so that you’re learning a whole family of poses — e.g., the Bakasana Family — instead of just one pose. He also talks about how the course can help teachers feel more confident and skillful teaching these poses.

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The Ultimate Guide to Arm Balances & Inversions

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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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