Episode 8: Alexandria Crow – Why Fancy Yoga Isn’t Better Yoga

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Alexandria Crow portrait

Hello Yogalandia!

On this week’s episode, I talk to Alexandria Crow (@alexandriacrow). If you do not know Alex yet, you want to know her. We often joke that Alex and Jason are like long lost yoga twins — they are people who do not pull any punches. Like Jason, Alex tells it like it is, is deeply knowledgeable about the body, and she believes in the power of self-study and figuring out what works best for your body. You may recognize Alex from many years of modeling for the Hard Tail ads (and at least two Yoga Journal covers, not counting the international covers). But these days, the message that Alex wants to get across loud and clear is this: Fancy poses aren’t the point of yoga.

We talk about:

  • What the point of yoga really is
  • How you are a unique snowflake! (Admittedly, she doesn’t say it exactly like that.)
  • Ego death and how liberating it can be when everything goes wrong
  • The importance of taking personal responsibility in your yoga practice
  • The problem with 200 hour trainings
  • Our favorite comedians of late (This is critical stuff!! Tune in, people!)

From experience I can tell you, if you want fancy….Crow Pose pressed to Handstand ain’t shit. The fancy asanas will never teach you what a gymnast knows. But simple asana and the acceptance of human imperfections will teach you what us gymnasts often don’t know. After 18 years of gymnastics, I can say that with solidity: I choose simple yoga. — Alexandria Crow

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Alex’s Web Site
Yoga Physics Phorum
The Facebook post about gymnastics vs. yoga

Podington Bear — Spring Comes Early
Podington Bear — Movin’ On Up
Podington Bear – Funk

If you like what you hear, please feel free to write a review on iTunes. If you share your URL, I’ll be able to get back to you and say thanks. You can also follow me on Twitter @yogalandpodcast.

Alexandria Crow teaching anatomy

Alexandria Crow workshop

Alexandria Crow Downward Dog

Alexandria Crow in Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana

Alexandria Crow Compass Pose

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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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