Episode 97: Q&A — Jason Addresses Feeling Like the Odd Man Out

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Jason Crandell crouching outside in the night

yoga for men | Jason Crandell quote | yoga podcast

It probably won’t come as a surprise to anyone reading this that sometimes male yogis can feel like the odd man out in yoga classes that are mostly filled with women. (Even Jason, who’s been teaching yoga for 20 years, admits to feeling more comfortable in a gym setting than the yoga studio.) Perhaps, that’s why yoga for men has become a recent phenomenon.

So, we decided to give male listeners some TLC this week by answering their questions. While we focus on yoga for men in this episode, it has tons of insights for women who want to relate to the men in their classes and for teachers who want to help their male students.

Besides, whatever your gender, we’ve all struggled with feeling like the only person in class who can’t do something, right?

We talk about:

  • What it’s like to be a male in a majority female yoga class and some good news for men who feel uncomfortable — there are more and more men finding their way into yoga studios
  • Yoga for Men: How to handle the awkwardness and frustration associated with being the tightest person in a yoga class (which is something that is not just relevant to men, by the way!)
  • Modifications for tight shoulders in poses where you interlace the fingers behind the back
  • How to apply lessons from strength training to the yoga practice
  • Tips for yoga teachers who want to help people who are really struggling with poses

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Summer Series! Understanding Your Super-Awesome (and Complex) Shoulders

Essential Sequence: Neck, Shoulders, and Upper Back


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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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