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Essential Sequence: Immune Booster
This yoga for immune system sequence will help you relax, reduce stress, and increase circulation, which can support your immune system.

Breast Cancer Lesson #1: Ordinary Moments are Extraordinary
Jason Crandell’s wife, Andrea Ferretti, talks about her experience with breast cancer and how it’s helped her appreciate the ordinary moments.

Essential Sequence: Two Core Yoga Routines
Two short core yoga sequences: One sequence tones, fires up, and strengthens your core. The other encourages rest and good digestion.

Essential Sequence: Fold into Lotus Pose
Longing to do Lotus Pose? This sequence opens the whole hip joint, preparing you for the ultimate meditation pose, Lotus Pose, or Padmasana.

Essential Sequence: Open into Hanumanasana
Learn the essential actions plus 15 prep poses for getting into Hanumanasana, aka “The Splits” or Monkey Pose.

5 Things to Know About Yoga Teacher Training
Discover the transformative journey of a yoga teacher training. Embrace transparency, personal growth, and the art of teaching.

Essential Sequence: Ease into Urdhva Dhanurasana
This Urdhva Dhanurasana sequence opens your hip flexors, shoulders, and upper back to reveal more ease and integrity the pose.

5 Yoga Lessons I’ve Learned From My Toddler
Toddlers teach us life lessons: Embrace chaos, witness emotions, appreciate the body, engage fully, and remember everything is temporary.

Essential Sequence: Bakasana
Whether you’re new to this yoga crow pose or you want to refine it, this 16-pose Bakasana sequence will help with balance.