All Yogaland Episodes

Introducing Yoga(ish): Unexpected Wisdom from Mike Tyson, Bedtime Routines & What We’re Binge-Watching
We’re introducing another weekly episode into your feed — it’s a less scripted, more casual conversation we’re calling Yoga-ish. Just like it sounds, it will

Reflections on Politics and Teaching Yoga in Turbulent Times with Jason Crandell
The morning after the US Presidential election last week, Jason woke up and had to teach his 300-hour teacher training students. As soon as he

Embracing Vulnerability & Resilience as a Yoga Teacher
On last week’s episode, we talked about the importance of “putting yourself out there” as a yoga teacher. But most of us genuinely struggle to

How to Build a Yoga Business From Scratch
Here’s the good news: There are many different ways to build a sustainable career as a yoga teacher. The not so good news? There are

Everything you ever wanted to know about 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training (but were afraid to ask)
Wondering what to expect from a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training? If so, this episode is a must-listen. Jason answers the most common questions to consider

5 Ways to Reduce Yoga Sequencing Overwhelm & Restore Confidence
Most teachers—especially flow teachers—feel the need to make their sequences complicated to be compelling. The opposite is usually true: simple sequences, with good, well-constructed flows

How to Create a Supportive Yoga Practice When Life Throws You Curveballs
When you go through challenging times in life, does your usual yoga practice go out the window? For most of us, the answer is a

Quiet Healing: Restorative Yoga for Ethnic and Race-Based Trauma with Dr. Gail Parker
Dr. Gail Parker joins me on the podcast this week! Gail is a psychologist, yoga educator, and author of two companion books that center restorative

Yoga and the Art of Letting Go
Jason joins me on this episode, where we delve into the practice of letting go. We talk about the many instances where the concept of

What It Takes to Make it as a Yoga Teacher, Part II
On this solo podcast, Jason shares a roadmap for making a sustainable living as a yoga teacher. He breaks down the importance of yoga teacher

What It Takes to Make It as a Yoga Teacher with Jason Crandell
Jason joins me on this episode to talk what it takes to make it as a yoga teacher. Over the past 30 years of Jason’s

Everything You Need to Know About Planning a Yoga Retreat with Giana Gambino and Bradshaw Wish
Giana Gambino and Bradshaw Wish of CAYA Yoga School join me this week to talk all things yoga retreats! These two have come together to