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The Mother of All Backbends: Urdhva Dhanurasana
In this ultimate Urdhva Dhanurasana guide, get step-by-step instructions, anatomy info, alignment tips, and pose alternatives.

How to Teach Yoga Transitions
Find 5 concepts that make all yoga transitions more smooth and skillful + 3 three yoga transitions to incorporate into your practice.

Abs Reboot: Four Creative Core Yoga Poses
Here are four creative yoga poses for core strength — as a bonus, you’ll prepare yourself for challenging arm balances and inversions!

How to Survive the Worst Yoga Class You’ve Ever Taught
You just taught a truly bad yoga class, the worst class in the history of yoga? Here are some things to think about so you can keep growing.

A Shoulder Opening Sequence to Forearm Balance
This sequence leading to Forearm Stand focuses on creating greater range of movement in your shoulders. Learn why this is so important now.

5 Ways to Stay Healthy, Safe, and Grounded While You’re Teaching
Teaching Yoga Tips: Here are a few ways to keep yourself healthy, safe, and grounded while you teach yoga. Read more now.

30-Minute Morning Yoga Sequence
Start your day off by moving through a short morning yoga sequence – twists, standing poses, and gentle backbends. Practice now!

7 Ways to Use Mindfulness to Navigate the Holidays
Learn several mindfulness practices for the holidays so that you can experience more ease, self-awareness, and connection to your loved ones.

Move Before You Meditate: A Yoga Sequence to Prepare for Meditation
This meditation prep yoga sequence prepares you for meditation by opening the shoulders and chest, hips and hamstrings, the side body.

Run — don’t walk — away from Zoom-only teacher trainings
Choose yoga teacher training wisely. Don’t overlook content delivery. Solely on Zoom? Red flag. Consider all attributes.

7 Ways Repurposing is Vital to Your Content Strategy
Maximize content impact: repurpose, minimize burnout, create brand consistency. Join Content Blueprint course.

How to Copyedit Your Own Yoga Blog Content
Master self-copyediting for your yoga blog with tips on style guides, headings, pose naming, and more. Elevate your writing skills!