Episode 26: Kate Holcombe – Three Yoga Sutras for Tough Times

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

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This week I chat with Kate Holcombe of The Healing Yoga Foundation in San Francisco. Kate has an amazing story to tell — and I asked her to tell it in the top half of the interview — about how a life-threatening accident while studying abroad in India during college set her on the path of becoming a student of TKV Desikachar.

The second half of the interview focuses the sutras that helped Kate navigate the difficulty of going through breast cancer treatment. And when I say navigate I mean, specifically that Kate somehow kept her sense of humor throughout treatment, she seemed to be able to separate her authentic self gracefully and laugh at the absurdity of it all.

We’d originally thought we were going to focus on her three “favorite” sutras, which is a really tall order for Kate — I’ve never known a teacher who has as much reverence for the text as Kate does. She lights up when she talks about them and her enthusiasm is contagious. Anyway, the conversation went on its on route when I asked her how she kept her sense of humor during treatment.

This is a great podcast if you’re interested in learning how relevant this text can be to everyday life. Whether or not you can relate to cancer or any other chronic illness, her teaching is absolutely relevant to all of us.

The sound is a bit of an issue with this one, but if you hang in there, your ears will adjust. It’s worth it, I promise!!

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Agony and Absurdity: Adventures in Cancerland — Kate’s hilarious, sharp essays are in this anthology created by the Bay Area Young Survivors
The Healing Yoga Foundation
Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram

Gillicuddy — Fudge
David Szesztay — Smiling Cars
David Szesztay — Welcome Home

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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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