Summer Series 2018: Q&A – How to Avoid Common Yoga Injuries

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Jason Crandell Portrait

Jason Crandell quote on yoga injuries | Yoga Podcast | Yogaland Podcast

In this week’s episode, Jason and I are live from Detroit Yoga Lab answering student questions about some of the most common yoga injuries, how to prevent and avoid them. Bonus banter: Find out why Jason has a black eye – unsurprisingly, it’s not from yoga or a bar fight. And learn what Jason’s three favorite bands are.

(Our regular listeners will not be surprised to hear that  Salabhasana (Locust Pose)  come up a time or two.)

Here’s what we discuss:

  • Alternative poses for Warrior I and II for practitioners with SI joint pain
  • Best poses and modifications for hamstring overstretch issues
  • Which movements during an asana practice could cause excess shoulder and neck tension and which counter poses or practices can students do to find relief
  • Have we demonized Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)? Plus, how to transition from Plank to the floor in a way that’s less likely to cause injury

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Scroll through the most recent yoga podcast episodes and makes sure you haven’t missed anything.


Episode 76: Jason Crandell on Yoga Injuries

Episode 91 – Jason’s Thoughts on Warrior I, Navasana, and “Advanced” Yoga

A New Take on Twists

Sequencing Solutions: Strengthen Your Hamstrings

The Expert’s Guide to Chaturanga, Part I

The Expert’s Guide to Chaturanga, Part II

The Expert’s Guide to Chaturanga, Part III

The Expert’s Guide to Chaturanga, Part IV

The Expert’s Guide to Chaturanga, Part V

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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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Module II of Jason's 300-Hour YTT

In module II you will:

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