Episode 155: Creating a Pranic Budget with Sarah Kucera

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Sarah Kucera portrait

If you’ve followed this podcast for a while, you know that I think self care is vitally important if you want to live a happy, healthy life. (I even created an online course about self care!) You might also know that I dabble in Ayurveda and I’m fascinated about what little nuggets of wisdom I can learn from yoga’s “sister science.”

So, I was thrilled when I came across a new book that talks about Ayurveda through the lens of self care. This week I talk to Sarah Kucera, author of The Ayurvedic Self-Care Handbook: Holistic Healing Rituals for Every Day and Season, all about her book and what Ayurveda can teach us about taking care of ourselves.

We discuss:

  • How Sarah’s struggles with feeling low energy and stressed led her to look for solutions from Ayurveda and write this book
  • The Ayurvedic clock–and why your bedtime and waking time is as important as the number of hours you sleep
  • Why self care can be accessible to all (even those who are short on time and/or money). She explains why it doesn’t have to be “all or nothing.”
  • Sarah’s “pranic budget,” and how can you use this concept to use your energy more wisely, be more efficient, and have more time to do the things you love

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Sarah Kucera website

The Ayurvedic Self-Care Handbook: Holistic Healing Rituals for Every Day and Season

Episode 52 with Gina Caputo


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