How to build your reserve of mental, physical, and emotional resilience with Jill Miller

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Jill Miller, Body by Breath book cover

So excited to share this week’s episode with you: Jill Miller joins me for her fifth Yogaland podcast to talk about her new book, Body by Breath: The Science and Practice of Physical and Emotional Resilience.

This is a book that I recommend every yogi has in their library. It gives you the full “behind-the-scenes” tour of the complex relationship between the nervous system, brain, gut, fascia, and breath when we are trying to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (aka when we’re trying to “down-regulate” or “de-stress”). It also provides myriad options for working with your body and breath to build deep reserves of mental, emotional, and physical resilience.

Jill and I discuss how she continues to heal her body by building parasympathetic endurance, what she means when she says, “The body thinks in feels,” how yogis can hone and deepen their breath awareness, how much breath-work we can do to feel the benefits, and what her current practice looks like.

Related Links

If you order Jill’s book by February 27th, you’ll get a whole host of perks! Learn more at:

Join me on Substack for a month-long book club focused on Body by Breath! Jill will join us for an exclusive Q&A there, too:

Here are past Yogaland episodes with Jill:

Harnessing the vagus nerve to “turn on your off switch”

All about your fascia (Part I)

All about your fascia (Part II)

Jill Miller on hip replacement surgery and how yoga is in need of a tune-up

Train with Jason online or in-person in 2024!

Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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