All Yogaland Episodes

Episode 126: Jason’s Best Bakasana Tips
Most people consider arm balances and inversions challenging poses, but we think they’re worth the effort. This week, I talk to Jason about his approach

Episode 125: Yoga and Astrology – When the Stars (and Your Chakras) Align
It was such a pleasure to talk to yoga teacher and astrologer Susannah Freedman for this very special episode. Susannah has been teaching yoga and

Episode 124: Melanie Klein — Reimagine Your Relationship With Your Body
Today’s guest is Melanie Klein, a professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies, co-founder of the Yoga and Body Image Coalition, and author of the new

Episode 123: All About the Ketogenic Diet with Dr. Will Cole
I’m so excited to share this interview with Dr. Will Cole! Dr. Cole is a functional medicine doc whose new book, Ketotarian, offers a mostly

Episode 122: Applying Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra to Your Daily Life
There are so many interpretations of the seminal yoga text, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. This week, I talk to two women who’ve written one that is

Episode 121: Q&A – Ideas for Building Your Business (And Your Confidence) as a Yoga Teacher
I got a great question from a listener recently in response to episode 119, so I decided to start this episode with Jason’s response. The

Episode 120: Yoga and Addiction with Nikki Myers
If you haven’t been directly impacted by addiction, there’s a good chance you know someone who has. Today’s guest, Nikki Myers, a yoga therapist and

Episode 119: Q&A -Jason’s Thoughts on “Creative” Sequencing & Finding Your Breath in Backbends
Jason is on the podcast this week to answer a few questions that came up about our Summer Series. (This is the long-lost bonus episode

Episode 118: J. Brown, “A testament to the practice is the person it produces”
J. Brown is a yoga teacher, former yoga center owner, blogger, and the host of the popular podcast J. Brown Yoga Talks. On this episode,

Episode 117: Jason’s Favorite (Non-Asana) Yoga Books
When I have Jason on the show, we talk a lot about postures and technique, so I thought it would be interesting to talk yoga

Episode 116: A Natural Approach to Autoimmune Disease with Claire Missingham
Claire Missingham is back on the podcast this week, and we’re talking about how she’s been using yoga and other natural healing modalities to manage

Episode 115: Overcoming Obstacles and Living to Your Fullest Potential with Rosie Acosta
On this episode, I’m joined by yoga teacher and holistic health coach Rosie Acosta. Rosie shares her personal story of growing up in East L.A.