All Yogaland Episodes

Episode 43: Q&A W/ Jason – Sacroiliac Pain, Tailbone Cues, & Wonky Knees
Hi everyone! This week, Jason comes back to Yogaland to answer your questions, specifically: Is the cue ‘flatten your tailbone’ correct or outdated? Why do

Episode 42: Maty Ezraty on Leading with Communication and Love
Maty Ezraty is a genuine pioneer of yoga in the U.S. One of the original co-founders of YogaWorks, Maty is a true teacher’s teacher. On

Episode 41: Deborah Burkman — You Are Enough
In this age of insta-celebrity and everyone chasing their 15 minutes of fame, it’s refreshing to talk to a long-term, successful yoga teacher. Deborah Burkman

Episode 40: Alexandria Crow on Transparency in Yoga Teaching
Alexandria Crow grew up in a fundamentalist Christian family and her grandfather was a traveling preacher. These days she travels the country teaching yoga —

Episode 39: Richard Rosen on Patanjali in Modern Yoga Practice
Richard Rosen is a yoga scholar and teacher who has written five yoga books that are well worth reading. In this episode, we talk about

Episode 38: Balancing Nonharming & Truth-Telling With Nikki Estrada
Hi everyone! I’ve been doing asana practice for many years. As my body continues to change, my physical practice continues to change as well. But

Episode 37: Q&A W/ Jason: On Teaching, Self-Care, and Forgiveness
Jason takes on questions that surround yoga teaching this week including: To use Sanskrit while teaching or not? How to care for yourself during an

Episode 36: Q&A With Jason: Yoga…Not One-Size-Fits-All
The Q&As with Jason are back! On this episode we talk about hopping back to Plank Pose, what happens when your wrists won’t cooperate in

Episode 35: Kelsey Crowe, PhD on What to Do When Life is Scary, Awful, and Unfair to People You Love
On this episode, I talk to Kelsey Crowe, the co-author of the book, “There is No Good Card for This: What to Say and Do

Episode 34: Sally Kempton — What’s a bad-ass, angry yogi to do?
I bet you can conjure it up pretty easily: The image of the calm, benevolent yoga teacher who NEVER GETS ANGRY. You might wish that

Episode 33: Bex Urban — Best Yoga Retreat Ever
This week’s episode will be inspiring for yoga teachers and logistically helpful for the teachers out there. It’s all about creating successful yoga retreats. And

Episode 32: Stephanie Snyder — How Chanting & Playlists Create Connection
I know, I KNOW, my husband wrote an extremely popular blog post recently on why he has never played music in his nearly 20 years