All Yogaland Episodes

5 ways to bring the yoga tradition into modern classes
On our live episode two weeks ago, we answered the question, ‘Is this thing that we’re doing still yoga?’ Jason shared five principles that make

Celebrating Sally Kempton’s Life of Devotion and Radical Love
As many of yoga know, Sally Kempton was hugely influential to me. She was an expert guide, a loving presence, and a creative inspiration. Sally

Is this thing we’re doing still yoga?
This discussion was recorded in London at the new Mission studio where Jason led Module I of his hybrid YTT a few weeks ago. Together,

Five Things I Wish I’d Known Earlier in My Teaching Career
On this episode, we discuss five things that Jason wishes he had known earlier in his yoga teacher career. We hope this discussion helps yoga

Jason’s Patanjali “Super Lecture”
Jason takes over this week to present a special comprehensive lecture on Patanjali, aka, his Patanjali “Super Lecture.” This episode essentially combines our three existing

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: The Yoga Anatomy of Twists
Deepen your knowledge of yoga anatomy and the anatomy of twists, in this 20-minute detailed conversation.

Mastering the Art of Content Creation and Yoga Teaching: 8 Lessons from the Past 8 Years
This week I’m sharing 8 things I’ve learned in the process of creating this podcast for the past 8 years. Jason joins as my sound

Andrea Ferretti reflects on 300 episodes of Yogaland + Listeners share their “why”
It’s the 300th episode of Yogaland — huzzah! For this momentous occasion, I’ve decided to reflect on the past 8 years. When I sat down

5 Essential Ideas for Healthy Shoulders in Yoga
In this last of our “essentials” series, Jason shares 5 essential ideas for finding ease and stability in your shoulders during yoga practice. In the

5 Essential Ideas for a Healthy Core in Yoga
On this episode, Jason clarifies what we mean when we talk about the core in yoga. Once you’re finished listening, the core will no longer

The Yoga of Parenting with Sarah Ezrin
This week, I speak to yoga teacher, writer, and mama Sarah Ezrin about her new book, The Yoga of Parenting: 10 Yoga Based Practices to

5 Essential Ideas for a Healthy Spine in Yoga
Jason joins me on this week’s episode of Yogaland to share 5 essential ideas for a healthy spine in yoga. He clarifies: How to distribute