Episode 10: Stephanie Snyder – Love Your Whole Story

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Stephanie Snyder outside in sunshine, in a yoga pose

Hi everyone!

After interviewing many traveling yoga teachers, I wanted to talk to a teacher who has focused on building a successful career serving her local community. Enter vinyasa yoga teacher Stephanie Snyder.

Although Steph (@stephsnyderyoga) has spent her fair share of time on the road teaching, she also has one of the most devoted community of students in San Francisco that I’ve witnessed. And now, after years of surviving studio changes and closures, she’s opening a studio of her own in San Francisco, called LoveStory. I have no doubt that her local students will rally around to make it a huge success. (Full disclosure: Jason will be teaching there, too. For details and 2017 teacher training dates, go to the LoveStory web site.)

We talked about why it’s important for teachers to “think local,” as well as:

* How she incorporates philosophy into vinyasa flow classes (she is exceptionally gifted at this)
* Where she derives inspiration for the philosophical themes of her classes (scroll down for her favorite texts and translations)
* What her daily practice involves
* How motherhood has changed her yoga practice
* How yoga fortifies her through the challenges of motherhood
* The story behind LoveStory

“Yoga has been the greatest love story of my life and I believe it can be that for everyone.”
Stephanie Snyder

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LoveStory Yoga
Stephanie Snyder Yoga
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: a New Edition, Translation, and Commentary by Edwin Bryant
The Path of the Yoga Sutras, A Practical Guide to the Core of Yoga (Nicolai Bachman)
The Great Work of Your Life by Stephen Cope
The Living Gita: The Complete Bhagavad Gita by Sri Swami Satchidananda

Colectivo Etereo — Textrano
Ketsa — Dryness
Podington Bear — Funk

I am going for the harder sell these days — If you like the podcast, please leave a review or rating on iTunes! I’m learning that it really does help others find it and it helps me to know which episodes resonate with you! You can also follow me on Twitter @yogalandpodcast.


Stephanie Snyder in a yoga pose in nature

Stephanie Snyder in a yoga pose

Stephanie Snyder in Twisted Chapasana

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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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