Summer Series 2018: Poses We (Now) Love

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Favorite Yoga Pose | Side Angle Pose | Yoga Podcast

Do you remember the first time you did your favorite yoga pose? Was it true love the first time you took the shape? Or did it take a few tries (or maybe even years!?) to appreciate it?

A few weeks ago, I shared on Instagram that when I first started practicing Side Angle Pose, I thought it was a total snooze and now it’s practically my favorite yoga pose. I asked if anyone else has had this experience with a pose and got a resounding yes. For me, the process of appreciating Side Angle Pose represents the way the practice fuels growth and contentment: I used to need a big pose to capture my attention, but now the simpler shapes can bring me to a place of focused attention, awareness, and absorption.

It also shows the beauty of a long-term, sustainable practice — you change over time and your practice can change, too. This week, Jason and I unpack all of this — the poses we once overlooked, as well as the poses we used to long for that don’t hold much weight anymore. And I share some of the (awesome) comments you all left on the ‘gram. And bonus: Jason also talks about his approach to drishti (or gaze).

We’d love to hear from you and those favorite yoga poses that you’ve grown to love — post them on Instagram and use the hashtag #yogalandstories so we can find you!

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Scroll through the most recent yoga podcast episodes and makes sure you haven’t missed anything.


Summer Series 2018: Andrea and Jason Share Their “Hard” and “Easy” Poses
Yoga Sequence to Headstand
Sequencing Solutions: Strengthen Your Hamstrings (Includes Locust & Variations)
Yoga Pose Notebook: Eka Pada Bakasana I


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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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