Episode 218: Getting Serious About Joy with Bradshaw Wish

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Bradshaw Wish portrait with face decorations and red face mask

We can all use a little more joy and creativity in our lives right now — especially after months of teaching and taking online yoga classes. Chicago-based yoga teacher Bradshaw Wish is just the breath of fresh air we all need. It matters not that much of the world is going back into lockdown — Bradshaw’s annual Mariah Carey Christmas Flow must go on! We talk about this upcoming not-to-be missed event, how it came to be, and how creating space for joy and creativity is a deeply important part of Bradshaw’s intention as a yoga teacher.

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Mariah Carey Christmas Flow 2020

C.A.Y.A. Yoga School

Face Lace by Phyllis Cohen


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