All Yogaland Episodes

Episode 91: Q&A – Jason’s thoughts on Warrior I, Navasana, and “advanced” yoga
Jason’s back on the podcast this week answering some of the best questions we’ve gotten in about yoga postures and advanced yoga. (Yogaland listeners are

Episode 90: All About Your Fascia with Jill Miller (Part II)
This week on the podcast, we continue our conversation with Jill Miller to learn even more about the mysterious (and amazing!) connective tissue that literally

Episode 89: All About Your Fascia With Jill Miller (Part I)
Jill Miller, founder of Yoga Tune Up, is back on the blog this week to talk about what fascia is and how to incorporate the understanding of fascia into your yoga practice.

Episode 88: Looking at Yoga Poses Through the Lens of Yoga Neuromechanics With Robyn Capobianco
Yogis often talk about the nervous system in terms of how it responds to stress. But if you’ve ever wanted to learn more about the

Episode 87: Q&A — Jason’s Sequencing Philosophy, Thoughts on Retaining Students & Hip Impingement
We pick up where we left off last week with Jason answering more of your recent questions all about yoga class sequences! This week, he

Episode 86: Q&A W/ Jason: Down Dog Strategies, Lower Rib Flare, & The Problem with the “Tuck Under” Cue
Jason Crandell joins me on the podcast this week to answer your questions. We cover a lot of ground in this short episode including: Strategies

Episode 85: Clarify Your Purpose and Edit Yourself to Craft Effective Yoga Themes With Michelle Marchildon
This week’s podcast with author and yoga teacher Michelle Marchildon focuses on her formula for theming your yoga classes. The formula comes from her book,

Episode 84: Navigating Clean Beauty & Skincare with Rachel Pachivas and Abby Jean
I love the idea of starting of the New Year with healthy, nourishing routines. Over the past few years, I’ve done that with my skincare

Episode 83: Year End Highlights With Andrea & Jason, Plus What’s in Store for 2018
Can you guess which podcast was the most popular of the year? I give you a glimpse into my analytics on this episode (spoiler alert:

Episode 82: Restorative Yoga as Radical Self Care With Judith Hanson Lasater and Lizzie Lasater
Judith Hanson Lasater and her daughter, Lizzie Lasater, have been on the podcast separately before. On episodes 64 & 65 I focused on their backgrounds

Episode 81: Holiday Series! Nourish Your Vital Essence With Niika Quistgard
Niika Quistgard, Ayurvedic practitioner extraordinaire — is back! (She joined me on episode 17 for a great vata-calming episode. If you haven’t heard it, go

Episode 80: Bonus Episode! How to Craft Your Own Short, Effective Home Yoga Sequences
You’ve probably heard people say that a short yoga practice is better than no yoga practice. Jason and I heartily agree — but it can