All Yogaland Episodes

Ideas for Mindfully Navigating the Holidays
This time of year is often so fraught with busyness, overwhelm, expectations, even loneliness that we forget the goal: To feel present, joyful, connected. Here

Mind-Flow Mastery with Dr. Daya Grant
So thrilled to have Daya Grant join me again on the podcast this week! You may remember Daya from episode 258 (This is Your Brain

5 Ways to Reinspire Your Yoga Practice
To quote Jason in this week’s episode, ‘You know what feels really terrible? Teaching yoga when you don’t feel inspired.’ And yet, we all go

Essential Life Skills for Yoga Teachers
We’re back! This week we’re talking through four life skills for yoga teachers to master. These four skills are attributes that we work on in

Yoga for Immune Health with Lisa Walford
Fall doesn’t just mean pumpkin spice lattes. It means that you will likely start to hear a cacophony of sniffles and coughs when you’re ordering

The Best Inversions for Beginners
What are the best inversions for beginners? It may be surprising to hear that beginners can learn all of the same poses that advanced students

Crafting a yoga career that fits with Neeti Narula
Carving out a place for yourself as a yoga teacher is no easy task. It was such a treat to have multi-hyphenate Neeti Narula on

The Best Arm Balances for Beginners
This week we continue on with our series for beginners (and those teaching beginners): Our focus is the best arm balances for beginners. Arm balances

The Best Backbends for Beginners
Modern life is not great for your back — sitting in chairs tightens the hip flexors, which can lead to a chain reaction that stresses

6 Ways Yoga Teacher Training Can Lead to Self-Transformation
Jason joins me on this week’s episode to talk about how yoga teacher training goes beyond skill acquisition and can become a catalyst for self-transformation.

Connecting and Coexisting with Animals Through Asana with Alison Zak
Today’s conversation is with Alison Zak, who recently published her first book, “Wild Asana: Animals, Yoga, and Connecting Our Practice to the Natural World.” Zak’s

What to look for in a yoga teacher training
Wondering what to look for in a yoga teacher training? We lay it out for you on this episode, focusing on the 8 elements we