All Yogaland Episodes

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: How to Transition into Chaturanga Skillfully
Practicing and teaching Chaturanga in yoga can be difficult. Learning how to set up the pose with a skillful transition is the first step. This

Episode 256: Cultivating Resilience Through Yoga
Today, Jason and I are talking about resilience–a concept that has become even more important as life continues to shift and change during the pandemic.

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Best Modifications and Alternatives to Chaturanga
This episode supports yoga teachers by breaking down the 3 best modification and 3 best alternatives to Chaturanga.

Episode 255: Finding Inspiration for Your Yoga Practice
No matter how much you love yoga, eventually you’ll reach a point where you aren’t as inspired as you once were. Today’s episode is all

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Teaching Chaturanga Safely
Teaching Chaturanga safely and effectively is simple when you understand how to keep the shoulders stable. This episode discusses how to teach Chaturanga safely, unpacks

Episode 254: Key Tactics for Creating Yoga Content Consistently
Like it or not, if you’re a yoga teacher today part of your job is marketing your yoga classes to the public. One of the

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: How to Incorporate Yoga Philosophy into Your Classes
In this episode of Yogaland’s Yoga Teacher Companion, Jason discusses how to effectively incorporate yoga philosophy and wisdom in your classes. You’ll learn how to

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Effective Core Strengtheners (And Where to Put Them In Your Sequences)
Learn my favorite go-to yoga core strengtheners–and, where you can put them in your practice and classes to create sustainable, integrated core-strength.

Episode 253: Making Peace With Money with Chioma Njoku
I’ve waited years to bring someone on the podcast to talk money because I wanted to find someone who was knowledgeable about finances and also

Episode 252: The Antidote to Imposter Syndrome for Yoga Teachers
Most of us have felt insecure from time to time. Occasionally that insecurity shows up as Imposter Syndrome, or feeling like a fraud or unworthy

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: 5 Best Practices for Shoulder Mobility
Learn my 5 favorite postures and transitions for creating greater shoulder mobility. You’ll also learn where I like to include these postures in my personal

Episode 251: Helping Children Self-Regulate and Thrive Through Yoga
I’m so happy to share an interview with James Woods, AKA @DatYogaDude, with you today. James is a therapist and teacher based in Southern California