All Yogaland Episodes

Episode 103: Jason and Andrea Talk Meditation
Why don’t you have a seat and stay awhile? If you think meditation is boring, hard, pointless, or too time consuming, this meditation podcast episode

Episode 102: Techniques for Reframing Perfectionism with Tias Little
There’s a special place in my heart for Tias Little. I studied with him many years ago and the vivid imagery and metaphor he used

Episode 101: Learning, Growing, & Thriving After Injury with Laura Burkhart
When your body hurts, it can feel like your soul hurts. And when you sustain an injury from yoga, it can be even more rattling.

Episode 100: Easy Ways to Improve Verbal Communication with Jason Crandell
When I first started taking yoga classes from Jason many years ago, I was struck by his voice. He has a voice that draws you

Episode 99: Q&A – Jason’s Tips for Nailing Forearm Balance
Jason’s back on the podcast answering some of our listeners most common questions. This week we tackle questions related to Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance). He

Episode 98: The Only Absolute in Yoga is That There Are No Absolutes
On this week’s episode, neurophysiologist Dr. Robyn Capobianco returns and we cover a ton of interesting ground. I walked away from the conversation asking myself,

Episode 97: Q&A — Jason Addresses Feeling Like the Odd Man Out
It probably won’t come as a surprise to anyone reading this that sometimes male yogis can feel like the odd man out in yoga classes

Episode 96: Jason’s Ideas for Overcoming Fear & Other Handstand Obstacles
This episode is in response to the overwhelming number of questions we’ve gotten about Handstand. It’s full of yoga Handstand tips. We explore the logistical

Episode 95: The Psychodynamics of the Yoga Teacher-Student Relationship With Coral Brown
This week, Coral Brown offers her take on the psychodynamics of the teacher-student relationship in yoga. Coral is both a respected Prana Vinyasa yoga teacher

Episode 94: Live With Jason — All About Yoga Adjustments
This is our first-ever live podcast recording! From Jason’s training in San Francisco at Love Story Yoga, we dig deep into how yoga teachers can

Episode 93: Ending Sexual Abuse in the Yoga Community — A Conversation with Mary Taylor and Judith Hanson Lasater
Sexual misconduct in the yoga community isn’t new. But the evolving #metoo and #timesup movements have brought to light the magnitude of the problem for

Episode 92: Yoga for Healthy Aging with Baxter Bell
Did you know that the fastest growing demographic of yogis are ages 55 and older? Neither did I! I learned all sorts of fascinating facts, statistics, and new research from this week’s guest, Baxter Bell, a medical doctor and the co-author of the new book Yoga for Healthy Living.